Outlook [by bridport
& cie, October 1st 2003]
Last week we alluded to (but did not recommend) short-term trading
opportunities by lengthening dollar maturities, but in the context of an
overall recommendation to remain short. This trading opportunity was
stronger and came quicker than we expected, and, to that extent, our
recommended average maturity was inappropriate. The reason for the rapid
drop in yields has been a sharp fall in consumer and business confidence,
and a shift in mood towards our own long-held position that the US
recovery cannot be better than mediocre, and is insufficient to reduce
unemployment. To this may be added the growing loss of confidence in
George W. Bush over both Iraq and the current investigation about the
leakage from the White House of the identity of a CIA agent.
One way of seeing the present situation is that investor attitudes
have partly returned to where they were before the summer: lack of faith
in the recovery and the search for protection in quality bonds. That is,
however, an insufficient characterisation today, given that there have
been serious rallies on the stock markets, bond investors have already
been through one "greenscam", and the G7 meeting has changed the currency
outlook by sanctioning the inevitable fall of the dollar.
Our economic reasoning begins with the indebtedness of all major
aspects of the US economy, and the absence of corrective tools, except for
a devaluation of the dollar. Not that a weaker dollar is a panacea, but it
is an essential step on the way to rebalancing (other steps must include
trimming the domestic deficit). Yet, too sharp a fall in the dollar would
do more harm than good. The trick will be to manage, i.e. slow down, its
decline. Surely the BoJ and the Fed are communicating on this issue, and
probably the BoE. Higher US interest rates will probably have to be
offered to slow the currency realignment and to attract buyers, both
domestic and foreign, of the 2-10 year T-Bonds, now being issued
massively. Thus, overall, we see the pressures for higher yields
dominating in the medium-term, even though short-term corrections will
happen when (it is not "if") US investors realise that the economy is
fundamentally flawed. |
That is exactly what happened this week: the downward pressure of
the flight to quality has overcome temporarily all our careful reasoning
about higher yields. The question we must face, as must all bond
investors, is whether the current fall in yields is a short-term trading
opportunity, or whether it could be a trend reversal. Yes, it could be.
For yields to decline and stay low would imply, however, not just a
mediocre recovery, but a recession combined with deflation and severe
disruption in international trade. All this year we have envisaged two
outcomes from the mess the US Administration has created: stagflation or
deflation. The latter would be so awful that we prefer to stick to the
stagflation scenario, and believe that the Administration cum Fed will
prefer it also, even if faute de mieux. |
Our conclusion for dollar maturities remains the same: stay short
until the air clears, although we admit short-term trading opportunities
abound. |
We recommend short maturities in Sterling also, but on the grounds
that higher rates are more likely in the UK where, against all trends, the
economy is in risk of overheating. |
Not so for the euro, and, by association, for the Swiss Franc,
which is once again benefiting from the "safe-haven" effect. A
strengthening euro not only allows, but demands, lower yields. Moreover,
when Trichet takes the helm at the ECB, he is a likely to mark his arrival
by lowering the rates. Curious (some would say "impossible") though it may
seem, we actually envisage a decoupling of USD and EUR rates and yields.
We mark this point by recommending a modest lengthening of EUR and CHF
maturities. By "modest" we mean that new cash should be put to work at
longer maturities. |
Doubts about economic recovery suggest profit-taking in corporates
and a move to sovereigns. We believe corporate spreads will now widen.
Recommended average maturity for bonds in each currency
Modest lengthening in euros and Swiss Francs.
Currency: |
As of
01.10.03 |
As of
30.07.03 |